Friday, August 20, 2010

Ann Coulter to Headline 'Homocon 2010' Representing Gay Conservatives.


Ann Coulter to Headline 'Homocon 2010' Representing Gay Conservatives.

 This Story is related to Ann coulter to headline 'homocon 2010' Representing Gay Conservatives.

Ann Coulter will headline the first annual “Homocon 2010,” an event sponsored by GOProud that “represents gay conservatives and their allies,” according to And for this, the conservative commentator gets dropped from WorldNetDaily’s upcoming “Taking America Back.”
Editor and CEO of WND, Joseph Farah, does not stand in line with Coulter’s
“Ultimately, as a matter of principle, it would not make sense for us to have Ann speak to a conference about ‘taking America back’ when she clearly does not recognize the ideals to be espoused there simply do not include the radical and very ‘unconservative’ agenda represented by GOProud,” said Farah, according to NY Daily News.

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