Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Maxine Waters: "Substantial Reason" She Violated Ethics Rules.

Maxine Waters: "Substantial Reason" She Violated Ethics Rules.

Maxine Waters is one of the latest politicians to be on the hot seat. A congressional panel set the stage Monday for an ethics trial for Rep. Maxine Waters, one of Los Angeles' most enduring liberal politicians, over her actions involving a bank with ties to her husband that received federal bailout funds.
Without detailing the accusations, the House Ethics Committee released an investigative report that found "substantial reason" to believe that Waters may have violated ethics rules. The case centers on a meeting Waters set up in September 2008, during the financial crisis, between Treasury officials and representatives of minority-owned banks.
The 80-page report from the Office of Congressional Ethics, an independent body created by Congress after a spate of scandals, was completed about a year ago but made public only Monday.
I have not violated any House rules. Therefore, I simply will not be forced to admit to something I did not do," she said. "The record will clearly show that in advocating on behalf of minority banks, neither my office nor I benefited in any way, engaged in improper action or influenced anyone.

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