Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Elena Kagan: Despite partisan splits, confirmation appears likely.


Elena Kagan: Despite partisan splits, confirmation appears likely.

This story is related to Elena Kegan Despite partisan splits Confirmation appears Likely.

The US Senate on Tuesday opened debate on the nomination of Elena Kagan to the US Supreme Court, with Democrats praising her intelligence, good humor, and moderate judicial philosophy and Republicans predicting that she’ll use her seat to advance a liberal agenda.
Although the expected three-day discussion on the Senate floor is intended to examine Ms. Kagan’s suitability for a lifetime appointment to the high court, the senators’ comments Tuesday often reflected a larger debate over the future course of American law – including the constitutionality of President Obama’s health-care reform law.
Leading the opposition to her confirmation, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R) of Alabama said Kagan had been less than candid in her Senate testimony. At times, he said, “her testimony was more consistent with White House spin than the truth.In her career, Kagan has achieved several historic firsts – breaking two glass ceilings. She was the first woman to serve as dean of Harvard Law School, and she was the first woman confirmed as US Solicitor General.

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